Michelle has had so much fun swimming this year, we decided to have her birthday party at our community pool. It turned out to be a lot of fun and easy for Mom. I love those kind of parties! I ordered this pool cupcake-cake from our local grocery store. The kids loved it.

We invited 3 of Michelle's best friends - and they all happen to be boys. Luke, Tyler and Patrick came, along with their older siblings. We swam, ate pizza & cake, opened presents and had a fun time.

Michelle had a little trouble with the last candle, so Mommy had to help. It looks like Luke was standing in the wings to help if we hadn't been able to get the job done.

Is there anything cuter than a princess swimming in her tiera?

Michelle got some fun toys. She has had a lot of fun the last couple of days playing with all her new stuff.

One of her favorite gifts was the Princess Presto outfit from her favorite t.v. show, Super Why. Just so you know Sara and Patrick, she has not taken this off for the past 2 days. I have to go in at night and remove the cape & crown after she falls asleep.
Happy Birthday Michelle! Being 4 is so much fun!
She is too cute!!!! Love the cake and love the princess!!!