Last week was the AUSA convention here in D.C. It is a busy week, filled with dinners, balls, meetings, the Army 10-Miler race, and lots of activities. For me, it's kind of like "homecoming". It's a fun time to see people we haven't seen in years. Above is a picture of me with Bill at the Army Acquisition Ball. Isn't he handsome?

I saw several friends we haven't seen in years! Here I am with my dear friend Dianne. We don't live that far apart, but our busy lives keep us from seeing each other as often as we would like. It was fun to catch up on our children and each other's lives. We saw several friends we haven't seen since before our children were born. That's a LONG time!

We finished with the week with the AUSA dinner. It was a fun week, and it renewed my sense of pride in what my husband does for a living. It truly is a noble calling to serve in our nation's military.
Well, look at you Miss Sassy pants! I hate, hate, hate military functions :) Aren't I a ray of sunshine?!?!?! We have at least one banquet a year. All Bill has to do is shower & put on his uniform.it's a LOT more effort for me. Waxing Eyebrows, dying hair, painting toenails, blowouts of the hair, making sure a dress fits..it just doesn't seem fair!?!?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteYou look marvelous!