Catching up with our friends, the Mongolds!

Isn't this just precious!!!

Little Joshua was crazy about big Joshua. Must be a name thing!

We met them halfway (between Williamsburg and their house in Norfolk) at a Cracker Barrel. I wanted to ask our waitress to take a picture of all of us so we could get the whole group, but she seemed a little overwhelmed just waiting on our table. I was afraid if we asked her for a picture we would never get our food. So, we just have the kid shot.
See, I told you Bill Jr. went on the trip with us! We missed Lizzy - she and Joshua Song Mongold have a special connection. It was great to finally meet Steve, catch up with Renee and little Josh, and get to know Will, Kyle and Ben a little better. We think Will would fit in great with our family.
Oh yeah!!!! Great pics!!! I am still smiling when I think of our fun together and getting to hug each one of you!! Can't wait till the next time!! I love you Cole FAmily!!!