Last week we went to visit Grammy Cole at Cape Cod. It was a great week - the traffic was light (I would dare say, it was the easiest travel we have ever had going to Grammy's! Maybe high gas prices kept more people at home?) The weather was nice, especially after such a hot summer here in NOVA. And, this was the first time Bill has joined us for the whole week in a while. We had a really nice week.
We have lots of annual traditions when we visit the Cape. It's wonderful to return to the same place year after year. We visited some of our favorite beaches (although I didn't take many pic's on the beach this year), ate at some of our favorite places (you will notice, most of these pic's are of us eating. Hmmm?!!!) and of course, my kids think no trip to the Cape is complete without a visit to the Brewster General Store. They have lots of "penny" candy ~ I say that with caution, because this year I spent a "pretty penny" on candy! You might notice a few new faces added to the Cole clan - we brought along some cousins who were visiting for the day, Emon and Ethan. We also had Lizzy's boyfriend, Kit, vacation with us for most of the week.
Time with Grammy - the BEST part of our week!
Ice cream smiles!
We actually did pretty well this year - I think we only went out for ice cream twice this visit, including a family favorite, the Sundae School.
Michelle was a little freaked out by the lobster at the Lobster Boat Restaurant. I don't think Daddy helped much. (;
We always take a pic outside the Lobster Boat. This year it was raining when we arrived, so we did an after-dinner picture.
One of my favorite things to do at the Cape is play games. Bill Jr. is usually the most competitive one in our family, but this year Josh won most of the rounds of Clue.
Mini-golf at Pirate's Cove.
Josh & Dad went deep-sea fishing one morning and brought home some yummy Sea-bass.
I personally love a beach/summer vacation where you can wear a sweatshirt! Looks like fun was had by all - glad you got to visit Grandma Cole!